Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Lego Batman Cheats Batman Cheat Codes

When you are inside the Batcave head over to the computer and enter any of the following codes to unlock cheats.

ML3KHP - Extra hearts
WYD5CP - Invincibility
ZOLM6N - Walk faster
JXUDY6 - Immune to freeze
XWP645 - Extra Batarang targets
18HW07 - score multiplier x10
EVG26J - Fast pieces

Unlock Characters:
BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne
ZAQ637 - Alfred
CCB199 - Tropical Joker
XVK541 - Freeze Girl
DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon
BJH782 - Penguin henchmen
HTF114 - S.W.A.T.
JRY983 - Police officer
NJL412 - Yeti

RDT637 - Harley Quinn’s Hammer Truck
MAC788 - Police Van

Lego Batman Cheats Lots of stuff

XWP645 More Batarang Targets - (from the Batboat toy)
DDP967 Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy)
BDJ327 Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy)
NJL412 Yeti - (from Mr. Freeze Ice Blast toy)
MAC788 Police Van - (from the Batmobile toy)
KJP748 Penguin Minion - (from the Penguin Submarine toy)
MVY759 Nightwing - (from Robin Grappling Hook toy)
CCB199 The Joker (Tropical) - (from the Joker Surprise toy)
Batcave Codes - Unlockable Characters & Vehicles
Access the computer in the Batcave and enter the following passwords in the "Enter Code" menu.

Password Effect
ZAQ637 Alfred
JKR331 Batgirl
JRY983 Police Officer
HGY748 Fishmonger
MKL382 Military Policeman
PLB946 Security Guard
HTF114 S.W.A.T.
JFL786 Scientist
NAV592 Sailor
HKG984 Police Marksman
M1AAWW Catwoman (Classic)
NYU942 Man-Bat
JCA283 Mad Hatter
GTB899 Poison Ivy Goon
DWR243 Zoo Sweeper
XVK541 Freeze Girl
CRY928 Riddler Goon
XEU824 Riddler Henchman
NKA238 Penguin Goon
BJH782 Penguin Henchman
UTF782 Joker Goon
YUN924 Joker Henchman
HJK327 Clown Goon
KJL832 Police Car
LJP234 Police Bike
KNTT4B Bat-Tank
HPL826 Catwoman's Motorcycle
EFE933 Two-Face's Armored Truck
BCT229 Mr. Freeze's Kart
RDT637 Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
JUK657 The Joker's Van
DUS483 Garbage Truck
TTF453 Robin's Submarine
VJD328 Police Watercraft
PLC999 Police Boat
BTN248 Penguin Goon Submarine
ICYICE Mr. Freeze's Iceberg
M4DM4N Mad Hatter's Steamboat
CHP735 Harbor Helicopter
CWR732 Police Helicopter
LEA664 Bruce Wayne's Private Jet
GCH328 Goon Helicopter
HAHAHA Riddler's Jet
HS000W Mad Hatter's Glider
BBD7BY GlideSlam (Glide Suit)
ML3KHP Extra Hearts
JXUDY6 Immune to Freeze
ZOLM6N Fast Walk (Magnet Suit)
EVG26J Fast Pieces (Attract Suit)
18HW07 x10 Multiplier
WYD5CP Inivincibility
9LRGNB Always Score Multiply
TL3EKT Area Effect (Sonic Suit)
N8JZEK Armor Plating (Demolition Suit)
XFP4E2 Bats (Sonic Suit)
RAFTU8 Beep Beep
DY13BD Character Studs
TQ09K3 Decoy (Technology Suit)
GEC3MD Disguise
EWAW7W Extra Toggle
JRBDCB Fast Batarangs (All Suits)
GHJ2DY Fast Build
RM4PR8 Fast Grapple (All Suits)
D8NYWH Flaming Batarangs (Heat Protection Suit)
XPN4NG Freeze Batarangs (Water Suit)
KLKL4G Ice Rink
ZXGH9J Minikit Detector
TNTN6B More Detonators (Demolition Suit)
KHJ544 Piece Detector (Attracto Suit)
MMN786 Power Brick Detector
HJH7HJ Regenerate Hearts
YK4TPH Silohuettes
THTL4X Sonic Pain (Sonic Suit)
LK2DY4 Stud Magnet
N4NR3E x2 Multiplier
CX9MAT x4 Multiplier
MLVNF2 x6 Multiplier
WCCDB9 x8 Multiplier

Lego Batman Cheats Cheat codes

Always Score Multiply 9LRGNB
Area Effect (Sonic suit) TL3EKT
Armor Plating (Demolition suit) N8JZEK
Bats (Sonic suit) XFP4E2
Beep Beep RAFTU8
Character Studs DY13BD
Decoy (Technology suit) TQ09K3
Disguise GEC3MD
Extra Toggle (extra Free mode characters) EWAW7W
Extra Hearts ML3KHP
Fast Batarangs (all suits) JRBDCB
Fast Build GHJ2DY
Fast Grapple (all suits) RM4PR8
Fast Walk (Magnet suit) ZOLM6N
Faster Pieces (Attract suit) EVG26J
Flaming Batarangs (Heat protection suit) D8NYWH
Freeze Batarang (Water suit) XPN4NG
Ice Rink KLKL4G
Immune to Freeze JXUDY6
Invincibility WYD5CP
Minikit Detector ZXGH9J
More Batarang Targets XWP645
More Detonators (Demolition suit) TNTN6B
Piece Detector (Attract suit) KHJ544
Power Brick Detector MMN786
Regenerate Hearts HJH7HJ
Score x2 Multiplier N4NR3E
Score x4 Multiplier CX9MAT
Score x6 Multiplier MLVNF2
Score x8 Multiplier WCCDB9
Score x10 Multiplier 18HW07
Silohuettes YK4TPH
Slam (Glide suit) BBD7BY
Sonic Pain THTL4X
Stud Magnet LK2DY4

Bat-Tank KNTT4B
Bruce Wayne's private jet LEA664
Catwoman's motorcycle HPL826
Garbage truck DUS483
Goon helicopter GCH328
Harbor helicopter CHP735
Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck RDT637
The Joker's van JUK657
Mad Hatter's Glider HS000W
Mad Hatter's Steamboat M4DM4N
Mr. Freeze's Iceberg ICYICE
Mr. Freeze's Kart BCT229
Penguin Goon Submarine BTN248
Police bike LJP234
Police boat PLC999
Police car KJL832
Police helicopter CWR732
Police van MAC788
Police watercraft VJD328
Riddler's jet HAHAHA
Robin's submarine TTF453
Two-Face's armored truck EFE933

Alfred Pennyworth ZAQ637
Batgirl JKR331
Bruce Wayne BDJ327
Catwoman (classic) M1AAWW
Clown Goon HJK327
Commissioner Gordon DDP967
Fishmonger HGY748
Freeze Girl XVK541
Freeze Henchman NJL412
The Joker (tropical) CCB199
Joker Goon UTF782
Joker Henchman YUN924
Nightwing MVY759
Mad Hatter JCA283
Man-Bat NYU942
Military Policeman MKL382
Penguin Goon NKA238
Penguin Henchman BJH782
Penguin Minion KJP748
Poison Ivy Goon GTB899
Police marksman HKG984
Police officer JRY983
S.W.A.T. HTF114
Riddler Goon CRY928
Riddler Henchman XEU824
Sailor NAV592
Scientist JFL786
Security Guard PLB946
Yeti NJL412
Zoo Sweeper DWR243

Getting "True Hero" and "True Villain" ranks

Collect coins in a level to completely fill the "True Hero" or "True Villain" bar to get the specified rank for that level.
Arkham bonus level

Get a "True Villain" rank on all levels in the Villain storyline. To reach the mission, go to right of the Batcomputer. Go down the ramp, and pull the lever to get to the villains. Go through the door on the right, and look in the corner to reach the memorabilia room. Climb the ladder at the top to access the Arkham level.
Wayne Manor bonus level

Get a "True Hero" rank on all levels in the Hero storyline. To reach the mission, go to where the vehicles are in the Batcave. Go to the far right, then down to the bottom. Step on the elevator to go to the memorabilia room. The Wayne Manor mission is in upper left corner.
Play as Hush

Rescue all 25 hostages to unlock Hush.
Play as Ras Al Ghul

Get a 100% game completion by assembling all Minikits to unlock Ras Al Ghul. *** You must first spend 4 billion Studs to unlock the last data item after buying all other data items.
Easy Studs

Complete a level with The Joker. You should then have him in the prison. Go to the experiment room at the prison. Start zapping the Joker Henchmen that keep walking into the room. Zap the villain that follows you every so often. Every time you zap the villain that follows you, the Henchmen will give an increasing number of Studs after they are zapped and killed.
James Bond created character

Use the following customizations:
Gloves: Caucasian
Face: Normal Caucasian
Belt: Black
Pants: Black
Arms: Black
Torso: Alfred Pennyworth
Hair: Short black
Weapon: Pistol

Tim Drake (Robin III) created character

Use the following customizations:
Gloves: Black
Face: Nightwing
Belt: Black
Pants: Red
Arms: Red
Torso: Robin
Hair: Short black
Weapon: Batarang

Lego Batman Cheats Characters and Vehicles ps2

Bat TankKNTT4B
Bruce WayneBDJ327
Bruce Wayne’s JetLEA664
Catwoman’s MotorcycleHPL826
Commissioner GordonDDP967
Garbage TruckDUS483
Harley Quinn’s TruckRDT637
Mad HatterJCA283
Mad Hatter’s BoatM4DM4N
Mad Hatter’s GliderHS000W
Man BatNYU942
Mr. Freeze’s CarBCT229
Mr. Freeze’s GirlXVK541
Mr. Freeze’s HenchmanNJL412
Penguin’s HenchmanBJH782
Poison Ivy HenchmanGTB899
Police BikeLJP234
Police BoatPLC999
Police HelicopterCWR732
Police OfficerJRY983
Police SniperHKG984
Police VanMAC788
Riddler’s HenchmanXEU824
Riddler’s PlaneHAHAHA
Robin’s SubTTF453
Security GuardPLB946
SWAT OfficerHTF114
The Joker (Tropical)CCB199
The Joker’s HenchmanUTF782
The Joker’s VanJUK657
Two-Face’s TruckEFE933
Zoo SweeperDWR243

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Cheat CF 1HIT

langsung saja download disini: mediafire.com 6h8k22he1rrkxqd
cara pemakaian

1.Run aliencfz.exe (jalankan sebagai administrator dengan Win7)
2.klik crossfire yg kamu mainkan misalnya indonesia klik indonesia
3.klik "get key here"
4.terus copas key dari web yg telah di buka
5.buka cf langsung start
6.pilih room lalu start
7.pada saat loading teken F9 dan akan memunculkan bunyi tung tandanya berhasil tuh

passwordnya liat di www.imperial-xp.co.cc

Cheat Xshot UnderGround/loncat tinggi + Wallhack

gan nih ada chit Xshot underground/loncat tinggi + Wallhack...

step 1.
install vcredist_x86..

step 2.
extract msvcr100d.dll ke c:/windows/system32

step 3.
buka xshot (login ---lobby---)

step 4.
Ganti tampilan ke window( setup --> Video --> tampilan window

step 5.
buka winject folder --> buka winject.exe

step 6.
tracking proses pilih MAT.exe (ke bawahin)

step 7.
pilih .dll

cheat jump -- DXT_JUMP.dll klik inject(+) klik ok di popup...
cheat ghost -- Mat.dll / Mat.dll2 klik inject(+) jgn klik ok langsung balik ke xshot...

step 8.
rubah lg tampilan ke full screen

cheat koin pet society

Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
1. Buka aplikasi Pet Society di facebook
2. Lembar bola sebanyak lima kali untuk mendapatkan satu koin
3. Jalankan aplikasi Cheat Engine 5.4 lalu tekan tombol di sudut kiri atas (ikon komputer) untuk melihat proses apa saja yang berjalan di komputermu.
4. Cari iexplorer.exe atau browser lainnya misal mozilla jadi firefox.exe dan tekan OK
5. Centang box “hex”, lalu kemudian masukkan 840FFF85C12A0FF2
6. Ubah “value type” menjadi 8 bytes
7. Centang “Also scan read only memory
8. Klik “First Scan
9. Kamu akan mendapatkan 2 hasil scan (jika hasil yang kamu dapatkan 3, abaikan yang pertama dan gunakan baris ke dua dan tiga saja)
10. Dua hasil scan tadi merupakan alamat Coin dan Paw Points. Biasanya, yang pertama adalah Coin dan yang kedua adalah Paw Points. Bagaimana cara membedakannya akan dibahas di langkah ke 14.
11. Sebagai contoh saya ingin menambah Coin, klik kanan hasil scan pertama (urutan ke dua apabila kamu mendapatkan 3 hasil scan) lalu pilih “Disassemble this memory region” dan window baru akan terbuka
12. Klik kanan baris pertama dan pilih “Toggle breakpoint” lalu pilih Yes.
13. Kembali ke aplikasi (menggunakan ALT + TAB)
14. Lempar bola kembali lima kali berturut-turut, ketika kamu sudah mencapai lima kali lemparan, layar akan beku (freeze). Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa cara ini berhasil.
Jika kamu sudah mencapai lima kali lemparan berturut-turut (bola masih melayang di udara) dan layar belum membeku (freeze) melainkan setelah bola menyentuh lantai berarti hasil scan pertama adalah Paw Points. Jika kamu menginginkan menambah koinmu bukan Paw Points kembali ke langkah 10.
Apabila layar membeku ketika bola dilempar lima kali berturut-turut (indikator Coin) namun apabila membeku setelah jatuh ke lantai itu merupakan indikator dari Paw Points
15. Kembali ke Cheat Engine (menggunakan ALT + TAB)
16. Lihat di sisi kanan jendela Cheat Engine dan pilih ECX. Ganti nilanya menjadi “9999“. Apabila lebih dari “9999” Pet Society akan error. Lalu tekan OK
17. Pilih Debug di menu bar Cheat Engine dan pilh Run (atau tekan F9)
18. Kembali ke Pet Society, jika belum ada yang berubah, keluar dari rumah atau pindah ke ruangan yang lain.
19. Koinmu akan bertambah 39.320 (jika kamu memasukkan 9999).